Nonprofit rescue proudly serving the residents and animals of
Lancaster County, South Carolina
2020 LSPCA Archives

Get all your LSPCA news, updates and other fun stuff!

December 30 2020
Final Newsletter of 2020
Thank you to all our supporters for helping LSPCA get through a most challenging year.

November 27, 2020
Shop Amazon Smile and support LSPCA at the same time!
Did you know you could help our rescue by SHOPPING!! Yes you can! Shop through Amazon Smile and select Lancaster Spca as your charity!

November 15, 2020
Give Local Lancaster Starts Today!
Give Local Lancaster starts today! We’re so excited to be a part of #GiveLocalLancaster! You can support our campaign by visiting A little can go a long way when we get together and give together on Nov 15 - Dec 1.
As you know, LSPCA takes in the critically ill, abused, neglected, and injured animals that would have little or no chance of survival without our intervention. Please help us, help them!

November 7, 2020
Meet Clementine
Please meet Clementine. She was rescued yesterday from an abandoned house on Hoke Rd along with 4 other dogs. They were brought to the shelter by Animals Control. While the others are not in great shape, Clementine was the worst and is in very poor condition. She cannot hold down any food or water and is severely emaciated and dehydrated. She was rushed to
Carolina Veterinary Specialists, Rock Hill
today and after exam and X-rays it appears there may be an obstruction, but it's not really clear as she is just skin and bones. Right now she is on IV fluids and X-rays will be taken again in 12 hours to see if there is any movement. If not, she may need surgery although, in her present condition, she is not considered a good candidate for surgery. We will know more later or tomorrow. Her billing so far is $1000-$1200 and growing. Please say a prayer for this sweet girl as the odds are not in her favor but we are hoping for a Ferdinand-style miracle. If you can donate to her care, please donate via PayPal at

November 6, 2020
Thank you MayDay PitBull Rescue
Mikala, Marty and Ferdinand made it to Phoenix - Mayday Pit Bull Rescue & Advocacy today and they were all received with open arms. It was hard for them to leave Ferdinand as they have grown very attached, but we know he is in the best hands and they will continue his rehab from the injuries and abuse he suffered and get him the heart worm treatment he needs. He will be with an experienced foster who will love him and nurture him until he’s ready to find his “furever” home and happily ever after. Thank you again to everyone at
Carolina Veterinary Specialists, Rock Hill
, all the LSPCA supporters, Mayday Pitbull Rescue, and especially Mikala and Marty for rescuing him and taking him across the country to ensure he gets a second chance at the best life possible. Safe travels to Mikala and Marty and God speed, Ferdinand. You will be in our prayers forever. We wish you the best life possible. No one deserves it more than you.

November 5, 2020
Shelter Cat Adoption Campaign
We are kicking off our Adopt a Shelter Cat campaign to bring awareness to the public about the many, many adult cats that are available for adoption at the Lancaster County Animal Shelter. Adult cats just want a lap to lay on and some scratches behind the ears, They are past the climbing the drapes stage and make "purrrrfect" pets! Please visit the shelter website to see all of the cats waiting for their forever homes.

November 5, 2020
It's Official!
The new Lancaster County Animal Shelter is officially open! LSPCA was honored to attend the dedication and ribbon-cutting for the new Lancaster County Animal Shelter today. It’s a beautiful facility that means so much to this county and to the animals who will be safe & housed in this state-of-the-art shelter. The county and its citizens as well as everyone involved with planning, funding, and implementing this should be so proud of this accomplishment that will help the animals for generations to come. Check the photos to see some of the adoptable animals that are waiting there for their furever homes. Check the shelter website for info and adoption applications - Shout out to Lancaster County Animal Shelter SC and Lancaster Animal Shelter Supporters of SC who helped make all this possible!

November 3, 2020
10 Abused Horses seized on Lancaster
Today Animal Control had a call out about some horses on a property. On arrival what was found was pitiful. There is 10 horses in total, 2 of which are in this condition. They also do have NURSING BABIES! They are in not great condition as you can see and need YOUR HELP NOW! The white one collapsed on the way to safety but did regain her balance and was okay when she arrived to the ranch.
They are currently safe and being housed in a clean barn, being well fed. The only down fall is horses are not cheap to feed and 1 person cannot take on 10 horses alone! They are not cheap by any means especially needing to be seen by a vet! We need fosters, and donations to help care of these babies. ALFALFA HAY OR PELLETS IS NEEDED FOR THE SKINNY MAMAS. And regular feed for the others!

October 31, 2020
Meet Candy Corn!
Update on this sweet little kitty - appropriately named Candy Corn! As you recall, she was found a few days ago with a broken jaw and an injured front leg from being hit by a car, most likely. She is with a foster and is looking and feeling much better. She is expected to make a full recovery with time and lots of TLC. Thank you to everyone for your prayers for beautiful Candy Corn!

October 27, 2020
Our Miracle Boy, Ferdinand
Picked up by animal control today, this boy is suffering from the most horrific gunshot wound to the head we have ever seen. This is deliberate. This is not acceptable. This needs to be prosecuted. This can not continue to go on in Lancaster. Judging by the maggots and the smell, this happened some time ago. Someone knows who did this to this poor suffering animal. Please message LSPCA if you know who did this. Your information will be kept confidential. He is on his way to
Carolina Veterinary Specialists, Rock Hill
and we have instructed them to do whatever it takes to save this boy.
10/28/20 - CT Scan shows shotgun wound at close range, pellets everywhere, There is some damage to his skull and changes to the olfactory lobe of the brain (but fortunately this is not a big issue as this area is not very important for him to function relatively normally). There is a lot of trauma to his sinuses and the right mandible (jaw) is fractured and there are entrance and exit wounds in his mouth that are infected. He will have surgery today with neurologist Dr. Bergman to flush the sinuses and decide if they need to decompress the brain. There is also going to be a consult with a dentist to see how to proceed with the jaw and mouth issues.
10/29/20 Ferdinand surgery update: The amazing surgeons, Dr. Bergman & Dr. Dantio of Carolina Veterinary Specialists, Rock Hill
, performed the surgery today and were able to flush the sinuses and get the wound mostly closed up, stabilize his jaw fracture and he was neutered! Prognoses is very good!
10/30/20 - He will be ready to break out of the hospital on Monday and will begin his journey to Arizona to Mayday Pit Bull Rescue & Advocacy where he will start his rehabilitation from his injuries, be very well cared-for and ultimately find the perfect forever home and the happily-ever-after that he deserves so much! Thank you to everyone who donated and sent prayers. Your support of LSPCA and this very special boy is so appreciated by us, but especially Ferdinand!

October 25, 2020
Tulip needs your prayers
Meet Tulip! Tulip was rescued today and rushed to Carolina Veterinary Specialists (CVS) in Rock Hill for emergency treatment. She is extremely lethargic and seems to have given up. While she is negative for parvovirus, she is anemic and loaded with hookworms. She needs an immediate blood transfusion. We hope to have gotten her to medical care in time. So far, her bill for treatment is more than $1200. If you can contribute to her care, please donate via PayPal (Paypal address- Thank you, as always, for your support of LSPCA and all of the critical-need fur babies!

October 23, 2020
Volunteers Needed!
Together with the
Lancaster County Animal Shelter SC
and LASS - (Lancaster Animal Shelter Supporters of SC), LSPCA is looking for volunteers to help out with cats at the Lancaster County Animal Shelter. Anyone who loves animals and has some free time to help out, please complete a volunteer application on our website: You must be at least 16 to apply and NOT allergic to cats and dogs.

October 15, 2020
Thank you to all of the Shelter-in-Place 2020 Sponsors!
Our Open House and Shelter Tours event was a huge success. Lancaster County should be so proud of this gorgeous new facility that will make a tremendous difference in the lives of the homeless, unwanted and discarded pets that find themselves in the shelter looking for a new home and a better life. We could not be more grateful to you all. Full story and photos here:

October 11, 2020
Meet Buford Barbie!
Early morning rescue from Lancaster County Animal Shelter SC. Her skin is bleeding and itchy, her feet are swollen and her left eye is cloudy and oozing. We gave her a medicated bath and put ophthalmic ointment in her eyes. She will go to Faulkner Animal Hospital
in the morning for a full exam. This is what rescue is all about! #thetransformationbegins.

September 30 2020
Speak Up to Save Lives!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! LSPCA would like to see that the people involved with the vicious dogfighting in this area are held accountable for the misery and torture of so many animals that are ultimately killed or dumped and left for dead. If you know of or suspect someone might be involved in this activity, we want to help. You may email or private message us and we will report it on your behalf so you can remain anonymous. It is our hope that this can be ended, but we can't do it alone! Please BE THEIR VOICE! Email us at

September 23, 2020
Dedication of Statues at the New Shelter
Construction on the new shelter is almost complete. Beautiful dog and cat statues were created by artists Pook Bellini and Kristina Ray and contributed by the Lancaster County Council of the Arts. They were dedicated and installed at the new Lancaster County Animal Shelter on September 23, 2020 in preparation for the shelter opening in late October. The statues will help welcome the public to this amazing new space which is a great asset to the Lancaster community and all the animals in need.
The address of the new shelter is 2074 Pageland Hwy., Lancaster, SC 29720. Opening to the public is slated for late October. Check back here for details as they become available.

September 11, 2020
LSPCA September Newsletter
We have had a very busy month. For all the highlights check our newsletter here:

September 11, 2020
Bait Dog, Iris :(
Iris was dumped on the driveway of a home in Buford last night. She has severe wounds and infection pretty much everywhere. She was rushed to the emergency vet and had to stay the night because her wounds are infected and she's weak. She received the royal treatment at CVS and was given a soft bed to sleep on, which was probably her first bed, ever. Today, she is being transported to a vet in Columbia, SC as her care is being taken over by Rescue Dogs Rock NYC. We are grateful to them for helping us get the best care for this sweet soul. If you care to see the photos of just what we are talking about, check our September Newsletter here:

September 10, 2020
Oh, Chester
Chester arrived at the shelter in very bad condition. He had been tangled up in a cable-style lead that nearly sliced him in two. His underside was cut so badly that he had to be stitched up from one side to the other. It was fortunate that this was caught in time as he probably would not have survived much longer in that painful condition. LSPCA pulled him from the shelter and he is recovering from his wounds in a home environment with one of our LSPCA fosters.
Please, please, please, if you must keep your dog outside, NEVER use a cable or wire to tether the animal. Chester can tell you just how dangerous that is!
Check our Facebook Page or Newsletter if you have the stomach for the pictures.

September 10, 2020
Deadline for sponsorships Extended
Note that the deadline for sponsorships for our Shelter-in-Place 2020 fundraiser has been extended until September 23 to allow for any last-minute entries. We are hoping the shelter will be ready at some point in October to allow for our Open House and tours for sponsors before it opens to the public. Your donations and sponsorships allow LSPCA to help animals like Iris, Chester, and the newborn cleft palate puppy, all of whom would have little or no chance of survival without intervention.

August 27, 2020
Cora's New Wheels!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to Cora's new wheels. Her remaining back leg is not in good shape and we hope that taking the pressure off of it will help relieve her pain. She is now with a wonderful foster who has experience with special needs dogs. She will be spayed this week and will start laser therapy on her remaining back leg soon. We want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed and prayed for Cora.

August 10, 2020
Shelter Pets Need Beds
LSPCA would like to provide every pet at the Lancaster County Animal Shelter with a Kuranda Bed. A Kunanda ShelterBed is a life-changing gift! They are made in the USA and are practically indestructible! Specifically designed to be easy-to-clean, last for years and years, they resist chewing and digging - perfect for a shelter environment! These beds provide essential comfort -- helping them sleep better, reducing stress behaviors, and increasing their chance for adoption! To donate a bed, visit LSPCA's wish list at

August 8, 2020
Welcome to LSPCA
Please welcome to LSPCA these two, 2-week-old babies. They were found yesterday COVERED in fleas and maggots. After several baths, they looked and smelled a lot better, but those maggots are persistent and seem to keep reappearing after we thought they were all gone. As they are so young, the usual treatments are not recommended. They will be visiting the vet shortly for evaluation. Please keep them in your prayers.
UPDATE - They have seen the vet and have been treated for parasites. They are doing well and eating like crazy!

August 7, 2020
August Newsletter
Our August newsletter - LSPCA Voice is now available. Read it online or subscribe to get it in your email inbox monthly. Click here to view the newsletter.

August 5, 2020
Mad Max
This little baby was found on the side of the road, possibly thrown from a car window, covered in ants. He is around five weeks old, lost a tooth, and has a bit of road rash on his little lips but is, by some miracle, otherwise okay. We looked for others up and down the road, but he was the only one found. His vet bills and care will be covered by LSPCA. He is currently with a foster getting all the love and care he needs until he is old enough to be adopted. Please keep little Mad Max in your prayers.

August 5, 2020
Orphan Babies
These eight, 8-day-old babies were orphaned when their mother was hit by a car and died. LSPCA bottle feeders have come to the rescue and are taking wonderful care of these sweet (but very loud - lol) little cuties. Once they are old enough and healthy enough, they will be going to Project Safe Pet so that they will find their "furever" homes. It's this kind of rescue team-work that helps save lives.

August 5, 2020
Fur Ball Canceled, but...
As we are unable to host our annual Fur Ball event, this year LSPCA is partnering with the Lancaster County Animal Shelter to raise funds to address the needs of the shelter.
Your donations will be used to help the 3000 - 5000 animals that go through the shelter each year.
The name or logo of every sponsor will be displayed at the new shelter and sponsors will be advertised on our social media pages, website and newsletter.
Although COVID-19 will prevent us from enjoying the Fur Ball with all its delicious food, fancy attire, and tasty cocktails, we are arranging a private Open House and tour of the new Lancaster County Animal Shelter for our “SHELTER in Place 2020” sponsors prior to the opening to the public. All social-distancing and precautionary measures will be in place for our guests.
We ask that you please complete the sponsorship form and return it by September 1, 2020. Forms available for download on our Shelter in Place 2020 page.
If you'd like to donate in memory or in honor of a loved one or beloved pet, we encourage you to make a donation in their name in any amount you'd like.

July 27, 2020
Last, but certainly not least -
This is a happy day for all of us. We are so thrilled to report that Cedric, the most critical of all the huskies from the husky hoarding case, has been adopted! You will remember that Cedric had to be carried into the vet's office after he was rescued and his health was touch and go for quite a while. LSPCA, Mikala and Marty Steele, Carolina Veterinary Specialists, Rock Hill, Faulkner Animal Hospital, Pet Harbor Rescue & Referral, and many others all have had a part in getting his seizures and other medical issues under control and making him healthy and ready to be adopted! This is the day we all prayed for and we know that everyone who supported us and supported Cedric through this most trying of times will join us in congratulating Cedric and his new family. Happy life, Cedric - You deserve the best life now and forever

July 10, 2020
Pinky Little Honorary Police Dog!
From the Lancaster PD:
Meet our first ever honorary police dog!🐕 Little P stopped by to visit us this week. She is about 4 months old and has had a bit of a rough life so far. She is a happy, playful girl who loves everyone she meets and being around other dogs. Little P is being fostered by the LSPCA.
She is now available for adoption and is looking for her fur-ever home.

July 2, 2020
Thank you Donna and Auto Plus Insurance!
We want to give a big THANK YOU to Donna Newton of Auto Plus Insurance Group and her coworkers. Donna won an employee incentive award and selected LSPCA to receive the $500 gift donation! We are so thankful to Auto Plus and Donna for this amazing donation and assure you that it will go far in saving more critical animals in Lancaster. We brought Litte P and Elle to their office to help receive the donation but they were more interested in the kisses!

July 1, 2020
Heat Stroke in Pets can be fatal.
It's hot outside! Please be aware of the signs of heatstroke in animals. It's deadly. Click photo to open and print for the full information.

June 30, 2020
Meet Elle!
Another little cutie received her freedom ride from Lancaster Animal Shelter yesterday. This little girl is around 12 weeks old and shepherd mix. LSPCA covered the cost for her mama’s spay/vaccines and will make sure this furbaby finds a fabulous home. Stayed tuned for adoption information when she's ready.

June 26, 2020
Little P has suffered horrific abuse in her short life.
Please meet Little P (AKA Pinky Little)! She was found on the side of the road bleeding and crying from her ears being brutally chopped off. LSPCA was contacted and after an investigation and charges to the owner, Nora has come to LSPCA. She received her freedom ride today from the Lancaster Animal Shelter and it will be a happy ending for this sweet girl. More images (most are graphic) on our FaceBook page if you have the stomach for such things.

June 13, 2020
Cruise-In & Meet at HWY 55
Thank you to Steve Koss of KMS Auto Repair Center for a wonderful event yesterday at the Fishing Creek Bridge and HWY 55 benefitting LSPCA and the Special Olympics. Everyone had a great time! We can't thank you enough for your dedication to helping to animals of Lancaster! 🐾🐾

June 12, 2020
Meet Momo
Prayers needed for our newest rescue MoMo! He was found by a Good Samaritan and taken to our shelter for help. LSPCA was contacted and immediately got him to our vet. It has been determined that he was hit by a car - He has an injured back and lung. He has been admitted to Faulkner Animal Hospital for care. If you are able to donate to his care please contact Faulkner Animal Hospital at 803-286-8131 or PayPal at
We will keep you updated on his condition.

June 11, 2020
June Newsletter
Subscribe to the LSPCA monthly newsletter to keep up with all of our rescues, available pets, fundraisers, adoption events and more! Click the Subscribe Button on the bottom of the page. Click HERE for the June newsletter.

June 5, 2020
Baby Fudge
Fudge, a beautiful tuxedo kitten estimated at about 8 weeks old, was found by a good samaritan yesterday and brought to Faulkner Animal Hospital in pretty bad shape. He appears to have been hit by a car several days (or weeks?) ago. His tail was broken, infected, and infested with maggots. The skin on his chin was scraped and hanging. LSPCA was contacted for help and of course, we stepped in. This baby has undergone surgery to have his tail amputated and the skin on his chin has been pulled back and stitched up. He is expected to make a full recovery. He will be available for adoption after he has had time to heal. In the meantime, please keep him in your prayers and if you would like to donate toward the cost of his surgery and aftercare, please visit our website here: Thank you, as always, for your support. 🐾❤️🐾

June 3, 2020
Tastefully Simple Fundraiser
Due to recent events related to COVID-19, LSPCA has suffered as we are unable to have any in-person events and all of the fundraisers we normally participate in have been canceled. We want to continue to serve the community and in-need animals so we are doing several virtual events in hopes of safely raising the funds we need to continue our mission. Together with Lancaster High School Special Education Teacher & Tastefully Simple Consultant, Donna Kennelly, LSPCA is having a virtual Tastefully Simple party to benefit LSPCA. Donna is generously donating 100% of her commission to LSPCA on all sales that take place during our event from now through June 16! If you would like to see more information check the link here: As always, we thank you for your support of LSPCA.

May 28, 2020
Walmart Pet Food Donations
LSPCA and Walmart working together to help the community. Our bi-weekly donation from Walmart Distribution divided between Christian Services, LSPCA Cat Sanctuary and Lancaster County Council on Aging - Meals On Wheels program. TOGETHER, we can make a difference for Lancaster County Animals.

May 16, 2020
LSCPA Endorses Kristen Blanchard for State Senate
We met Kristen Blanchard many years ago when she invited us to speak at Lancaster Rotary. Since then, she been involved in our community and supported us in so many ways including helping through her company to provide product to help the dogs and cats that we rescue and working with local veterinarians who help provide veterinary care to many of these animals. Throughout the years she has personally and professionally encouraged LSPCA as well as many community nonprofits. She also recently adopted Blue, one of the husky puppies that were rescued … She loves dogs, cats and horses and works at a company whose mission it is to provide products that help improve the quality of life for people and their pets. She has been a great leader in our community in so many ways and now she is running for the SC State Senate Seat for District 16. We believe in this committed, caring, supportive and capable woman to make the difference for our community! Vote for Kristen Blanchard

May 16, 2020
RIP Kilo
Sadly, the Lancaster PD has lost one of its own this week. Kilo passed away after battling a short illness. He was 11-years-old and served with us for 10 years. He will be greatly missed by all at the department. Thank you for your service, Kilo.
Kilo has been added to our Memorial page. If you have a loved-one you would like to be added to our memorial page, please email us a photo and short bio.

May 13, 2020
LSPCA's Covid-19 Response
LSPCA has been faced with many challenges with the current Covid-19 outbreak. Several of our fundraising events have been canceled due to the stay-at-home orders as well as out-of-work supporters. We will be limiting our services for now but hope to be back in full force as the community reopens and a new normal is established. As always, we thank you for your love and support. Without you we could not do what we do for the animals in Lancaster County. God Bless and be safe during these uncertain times. Thank you for your understanding.

May 5, 2020
Giving Tuesday, May 5, 2020
#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020. Let’s come together to create a wave of generosity, citizen engagement, action from business and philanthropy, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world.
Your donation supports the work of LSPCA in rescuing the abused, injured and neglected animals in the county. It also supports our programs for low cost spay/neuter, animal compassion education in our schools and our work in advocating on behalf of all animals to lend them a voice concerning legislation to ensure those who mistreat, dump, abandon or fail to provide medical care are prosecuted. Please donate HERE

May 4, 2020
Yet another animal cruelty case. Will this ever end?
Please meet “Hope”. Hope was found in Lancaster County in critical condition from a gunshot wound. The finder immediately reached out for help and she was picked up by Animal Control and taken to Lancaster Animal Shelter. LSPCA was contacted and we rushed her to a critical care hospital. She was admitted and seems to be a direct close range gun shot to the chest. She will make a full recovered but has a ways to go. Thanks to our supporters who donate to us so generously made it possible for us to help. If you would like to donate to her care, please go to our donate page here.

May 1, 2020
LSPCA May Newsletter
Subscribe to the LSPCA monthly newsletter to keep up with all of our rescues, available pets, fundraisers, adoption events and more! Click the Subscribe Button on the bottom of the page. Click HERE for the May newsletter.

April 30, 2020
LSPCA T-Shirts Now Available online
Since we can’t have any adoption events, we decided to make them available for everyone online. Any shirts purchased will be mailed via USPS mail (sorry, no local pick-ups). All shirt purchases are a tax-deductible donation. Thank you, as always, for your support of the mission of LSPCA animal rescue. Note that all available sizes, colors and styles are shown on the order form (limited quantities). Hurry, supplies are limited! Order form here.

April 21, 2020
Welcome to LSPCA
Please meet the newest member of LSPCA. Wrinkles was dumped out at a church in Lancaster. A neighbor contacted LSPCA for help and we were able to get her to our vet for care. She is estimated around a year and she has a severe case of demodex mange. She is now safe and comfy in a foster home and will receive the best care possible. Anyone wanting to donate to Wrinkles can PayPal (see PayPal link at top of page) or by calling Faulkner Animal Hospital at 803-286-8131. Thank you, as always, for your support.

April 19, 2020
LSPCA has taken in two groups of puppies this week. Both sets are owner-surrendered to LSCPA. The first set of three 6-week-old lab/pit babies are being fostered together and enjoying the good life! The other group of 13 6-week-old black lab mix babies will be fostered by several foster families for a few weeks until they are vetted and old enough to be adopted. Likely all will be transported to northern rescues where they have the best chance at getting adopted quickly.

April 18, 2020
Two Huskies Adopted
We are pleased to announce that both Natalie and Cody have been adopted by their "furever" families. These are two of the 25 rescued huskies from the hoarding/abuse case. Both had been transported to Pet Harbor Rescue in Virginia and we appreciate them working with us by helping to find adopters who have husky experience and are willing to take on the challenges of these animals who have been crated and abused for their entire lives. We are grateful for their assistance and could not be happier for Nat and Cody!

April 8, 2020
Buddy Bones Update
We wanted to share the best news ever! Not sure if everyone remembers "Buddy Bones". He came to us in horrific condition in early 2019. He was clearly used as part of a dog-fighting operation. The sores on his hindquarters and bowed back are a result of confinement in a small crate for years and the scars he still wears to this day are from the vicious fights he endured. When he showed up at Lancaster County Animal Shelter SC, they knew he needed immediate medical care and he was brought to the vet and taken in by LSPCA. He received wonderful care from the amazing doctors and staff at Faulkner Animal Hospital. When we was well enough, he was transferred to Mayday Pit Bull Rescue & Advocacy in Phoenix, Arizona where he has been lovingly cared-for and rehabilitated. Today we learned that he has been placed in a loving foster-to-adopt home! We could not be happier for this sweet boy who deserves to spend the rest of his life being loved and treated like royalty! We want to thank all of our wonderful LSPCA supporters for your donations on behalf of Buddy Bones. It is because of all of you that he was given this second chance at a happy and worry-free life. We love and appreciate all of you for making this day possible. Buddy's life matters and we will always be there to be his voice and the voice of all the animals who need us. Thank you all! Congratulations to Buddy Bones and his new family. We thank you for believing in him. 💕🐾

April 7, 2020
Belle's Birthday Wish
Please help us wish Belle a very Happy Birthday! Belle has a special place in her heart for all animals, but especially huskies! For her birthday this year she asked for donations for our rescued huskies rather than gifts for herself. Here is a picture of Belle, her husky Luna, and all the wonderful donations she gathered. Thank you Belle for loving animals as much as we do and wanting to make a difference. You give us hope for the future. ❤️

April 4, 2020
Husky Baby Adopted!
Congratulations to our husky baby, Taz for finding his perfect "furever" home today! Happy Life Sweet Boy! We love you!

April 4, 2020
Welcome to LSPCA Sweet pups!
Please welcome to LSPCA these 8, 5-week-old puppies! They are now safe and loved with us! We will have more information once our vets have time to give them full exams, vaccines, wormer, flea treatment and the works!

April 2, 2020
Please say a prayer for husky girl, Candy
4/4/20 - UPDATE: Candy has been released from the hospital. She has begun seizure medications and will see our neurologist next week. Thank you for all the prayers and donations for her care.
4/2/20 - It seems we get over one hurdle and then there's another. Prayers needed this time for another one of the rescue huskies, Candy! She was having a special day at her new foster when she suddenly had a grand mal seizure. She has been rushed to Carolina Veterinary Specialist in Rock Hill. We will keep you updated as we know more.

March 28, 2020
Prayers Needed for Frankie
Prayers needed for “Frankie”- He has been admitted to Carolina Veterinary Specialist in Rock Hill after an evaluation at Faulkner Animal Hospital. Frankie is severely dehydrated, low electrolytes, gastroenteritis, elevated blood sugar and white blood cell count. We will keep everyone updated. Donations for Frankie can be sent thru PayPal at

March 25, 2020
Congratulations to Romeo and his new family!
Congratulations to our sweet, sweet Romeo (now Olaf) for finding his perfect "furever" home! He's with a great little girl and they will get to grow up together and have many wonderful adventures. Happy life sweet boy! We love you. 🐾🧡

March 17, 2020
Sign and Share this Petition to help incarcerate those responsible for the mistreatment of the huskies!
For those who have been following the case of 25 abused/neglected/starving huskies and one cat that were found inside crates with zip-tie closures, knee-deep in feces and urine, left inside a house right here in Lancaster County, we are asking everyone to please join us in sending the individuals responsible to jail. These animals were subjected to horrific suffering and many did not make it out alive. Your signatures will be sent to the prosecutor to let it be known that we DO care about these voiceless victims of senseless cruelty. Please sign and share this petition so we can get as many signatures as possible. Thank you for your support!

March 15, 2020
Full Husky Recap and Update in our March Newsletter
Our March Newsletter is out and, as promised, we have included an update on the huskies involved in the the rescue. Please view our Newsletter here.

March 12, 2020
Thank you to all of the volunteers and supporters for your help with the husky rescue.
LSPCA would like to extend a big thank you to everyone involved with the husky rescue and to the many, many friends of LSCPA who donated supplies and funds to be used for their care. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support from the community. We could not do it without all of you! #ittakesavilliage
Our prayer is that all of these animals will be able to overcome this abuse and neglect and find loving “furever” homes when it’s time. We also hope that this situation will shed light on the fact that Lancaster County needs new ordinances so that there are real consequences for animal neglect/abusers, institute mandatory spay and neuter laws, outlaw animal chaining and tethering, and initiate animal registration requirements to prevent this kind of situation from occurring in the future. LSPCA will be the voice for the voiceless until there is some accountability for the overpopulation of animals in our area and the rampant neglect and abuse we see daily.
Thank you again from all of us! May God bless you all! Read the full story in The Lancaster News.

March 6, 2020
Huskies Update
These past few days have been non-stop for LSPCA and Lancaster Animal Shelter. We were excited that Cedric, our seizure dog, had left Carolina Veterinary Specialists, but we had 3 more hospitalized. One of the female adult dogs is being treated at Faulkner Animal Hospital and the two 5 week old puppies have been admitted to Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Rock Hill. Our 4-week old puppy will be going back to the vet tomorrow for blood work as they believe he is blind with neurological issues. As the days go by, we realize more and more the difficulties these dogs and the cat have to overcome. None of these animals are adoptable at this point. They all have the refeeding syndrome resulting from starvation, some have neurological symptoms that need further testing as a result of being inbred. We believe the best future for these rescues is to go to an organization that has more resources and a facility with in-house care. LSPCA having no location and the shelter always being at capacity means we just cannot give these precious animals what they need. We will keep you updated as we travel this horrible journey together. The support from everyone has been overwhelming and we greatly appreciate it. We will stand together and be their voice. ❤️

March 5, 2020
Adoption Event Canceled
Unfortunately we have had to cancel this event. We are planning another one soon. We apologize for any inconvenience.

March 4, 2020
Cedric is a survivor!
Cedric has left Carolina Veterinary Specialists (CVS) in Rock Hill. This lifeless boy was taken first to Faulkner Animal Hospital and then transported to CVS for uncontrollable seizures and his critical condition. He is a survivor!! Thank you all for your generous donations to help Cedric and the other huskies recover what has been described as one of the worst neglect cases anyone in our area has seen.

March 3, 2020
Huskies will need lots of love, medical care and time.
Lancaster SPCA has been working non-stop along with the shelter workers, critical care veterinarians, Faulkner Animal Hospital and many volunteers to save these dogs and puppies. Some of the photos we have seen would make your skin crawl. These animals were living in the most terrible conditions imaginable. Several are still in critical-condition and all will need lots of TLC and medical care before they will be ready for adoption.
The individuals responsible for this inexcusable torture of these animals and the deaths of many others, have been apprehended and will hopefully be prosecuted to the fullest extent that the law allows. It’s up to the courts now...Be their voice!!! For the full story, please check this post for the Lancaster County Sheriff's Department.
LSPCA will be paying for all of the vetting, surgeries, care and rehabilitation for these dogs and puppies. Several are in critical condition and most of them will need extended medical care for months. If you would like to donate to their care, any amount is appreciated. Please go to our donation page to make a donation via credit card or Paypal Thank you!

February 29, 2020
What a day!
Today, 23 adult huskies and 3 puppies are now safe and getting the help they need after being rescued from a hoarding situation in the Buford area. We have two critical at Carolina Veterinary Specialist in Rock Hill who need a miracle to survive and our shelter is doubled up in almost every run. All animals have confirmed rescue and will not be adopted out at this time. They need a lot of TLC and vetting. We are asking for donations to help us with this huge rescue of Lancaster County animals. Any amount is appreciated. Please go to our donation page to make a donation via credit card or Paypal.
Special thanks to Dr. Glenn and the amazing staff at Faulkner Animal Hospital. We could not have done this without your help. Our shelter and its staff are the absolute best and even though it’s a huge undertaking, all animals are cared for and safe. LSPCA is so proud to be a part of such an amazing team for the animals. We are not sure the total amount that we need for these animals. We know two need eye surgery, two are in critical condition with a deposit of $2250 and all need full vetting.

February 27, 2020
Fosters Needed!
Please meet the newest members of LSPCA. These 4-week old babies were being given away online when Lancaster Animal Shelter intervened. LSPCA was contacted and asked to help. They were immediately taken to Faulkner Animal Hospital. They were covered in fleas, full of worms and one has a very serious skin condition. Four of the litter had previously passed :(. These babies will need foster homes and lots of TLC. All vetting, food and supplies provided. If you are interested in fostering please complete our foster application.

February 25, 2020
Adoption Event - March 7
You are invited! Stop by to get your free puppy kisses! If you are interested in possibly adopting, please complete an online adoption application in advance. Only pre-approved adopters will be able to take their pup home from the event.

February 25, 2020
Adorable pups ready for new homes!
2/24/20 - Betty, Britt, Banjo, Bentley, Barney, Billie & Bey are 7 week old lab mix babies. Their mom is a black lab mix and we don't know what breed their dad is. They are all cute as can be! They will be available for adoption in a few days. We are accepting applications now. Fenced yard required. If you are interested in possibly adopting, please complete an online adoption application

February 19, 2020
LSPCA in the news
The Lancaster News published a story today about LSPCA teaming up with the Lancaster County Shelter to transport dogs and cats to the SPCA in Delaware to help these animals find forever homes. See the full article here.

February 15, 2020
Great Adoption Event Today!
Thank you to everyone who came out for the adoption event at Hollywood Feed today. Lots of puppy kisses were given out and everyone had a tail-waggin' good time! Juliet, Prince and Big Mack all found homes today and applications were accepted for many of the others. Great day!

February 13, 2020
Kobe, Gianna & Shaq are ready for forever homes
These 3 cuties, found dumped out on a back road, have been rescued, vetted and loved! They are all super-sweet and ready for adoption. More information on our pets page.

February 12, 2020
Doster needs your prayers
Not the news we had hoped for ... LSPCA's Doster is in congestive heart failure. He will be on a heart pill and Lasixs until he lets us know he’s tired and ready to go to doggy heaven. However, for now, he’s eating, enjoying taking walks around the yard and napping. We are in need of his favorite soft food and disposable wraps for him. Those may be purchased from our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you so much.

February 11, 2020
Baxter Found His "Furever" Home!
So pleased to announce that LSPCA long-term resident, Baxter, has found his perfect "furever" home. His new mom says that he's the perfect companion for his new fur-sister who was so very lonely after losing her brother a while back. She says they are getting along so well that she'll be announcing their engagement very soon! Happy life, Baxter! You've earned it.

February 10, 2020
Adoption Event!
Please join on Saturday, February 15 from 11 am - 2 pm at Hollywood Feed on Copper Way in the Torringdon Shopping Center in the Ballantyne area. We will have all of our puppies and dogs on hand to meet you. Only those with approved applications will be able to take their fur-baby home from the event. If you're interested in adopting, please complete an application online here.

February 10, 2020
Teamwork saves animals!
This morning at 5am - 7 puppies, 6 adult dogs and 10 cats left Lancaster for their furever homes in Delaware. Lancaster has more animals than homes so having help from a Northern Rescue is a gift to Lancaster. This was a combined effort of LSPCA, Lancaster Animal Shelter, and First State SPCA of Delaware. Happy Life Sweet Babies!! We will post adoption pictures here and on Facebook as they happen.

February 7, 2020
Moe is available for adoption
Handsome Moe, a shy 4-month-old beagle mix boy, is now available for adoption. He deserves the best forever home! See all available pets here.

February 7, 2020
Miss Beasley & pups are the latest family to enjoy the LSPCA puppy house
Mama Beasley and her 7, 4-week-old lab/boxer mix pups needed a warm place to live and LSPCA is happy to welcome them to our puppy house. They will be available for adoption in a month or so. Stay tuned....

February 6, 2020
New Pups Join LSPCA
Today we welcomed 3 6-week-old pups to the LSPCA family. They will be vetted, loved and fostered for the next few weeks. We will post here and on Facebook when they are available for adoption.

February 5, 2020
Abel, the disabled pup
Little Abel fell from a balcony at his home in CT and is now paralyzed in his back legs, Thanks to Mikala and Marty Steel of LSPCA for transporting him to meet his rescue in TX. He will ultimately be going to May Day Pit Bull Rescue in AZ for rehabilitation. Thank you for helping this sweet pup get a new leash on life!

February 4, 2020
Please meet Miss Maggie May!
Maggie May is a 6-month-old lab mix girl. She's vetted and ready to find her happily ever after!

February 3, 2020
Now accepting applications for Godiva, Ghirardelli & Ferrero.
These gorgeous pups will be available for adoption in a few weeks. We are accepting applications now.
Check out available pets page to see the info on these babies and all the LSPCA pets ready for adoption.

February 3, 2020
Gorgeous Lab Mix Babies looking for their "Furever" homes.
Please welcome Prince, Romeo, Juliet & Cinderella. They are playful pups around 10 weeks. They are beautiful lab mixes and will be fairly large dogs. They were rescued from a hoarding situation.If you can give one of them the home and life they deserve, please complete an adoption application.
Check out available pets page to see the info on these babies and all the LSPCA pets ready for adoption.

January 29, 2020
Big Mack is available for adoption
Check out available pets page to see the info on Big Mack and all the LSPCA pets ready for forever homes.

January 28, 2020
More pups join LSPCA!
Today we welcome this litter of 6 7-week-old pit-mix babies surrendered to LSPCA. You are in good hands now, babies! They will be vetted and fostered and will be available for adoption in a few weeks. Stay tuned!

January 26, 2020
"Trash" Babies Update
So happy to report that all of our "trash" babies have found their forever homes! To whoever left them triple-bagged in plastic in a garbage can, we hope you know good always triumphs over evil. Read about these pups and LSPCA's efforts to help them survive in our most-recent newsletter.

January 25, 2020
Adorable bottle babies join LSPCA!
These curly puppies have joined LSPCA today. They are about 4-weeks-old and were having trouble nursing and need to be bottle-fed. Please follow their progress on our Facebook Page. if you can foster for LSPCA, please complete a Foster Application. Thank you!

January 25, 2020
Welcome to LSPCA, Fuzzy Puppies!
These puppies were rescued from a terrible living situation in another county. Our team of rescuers were able to get these babies out and offered free spay/neuter assistance to their mama and the many others on the property the owners would not surrender. These babies are about 8 weeks old, will be vetted, fostered and will be ready for adoption in a few weeks. Check here or our Facebook page for updates.

January 25, 2020
Welcome to LSPCA, Doster!
Doster was rescued from the street by a good samaritan who contacted LSPCA. Doster has been seen by our vet and has a host of issues including rotted teeth, multiple infections, bite wounds from an apparent attack, among other things. He is recovering with a foster and has begun to eat soft food. He is probably around 5 years old but the neglect this baby has suffered has aged him beyond his years. He is receiving the care he needs and the hope is one day he can be adopted into a furever home that will cherish and spoil him like he deserves.If you can contribute toward his care, please make a donation here.

January 25, 2020
Rescue transport to DE SPCA results in 5 adoptions so far!
So many do not understand the importance of rescue teamwork and our northern rescues. We are so grateful for the partnership between LSPCA and First State Animal Center and SPCA in Delaware. The most recent transport of 11 cats and 7 dogs, has already paid off. Congratulations to April, Monkey, Bruno, Chico and Fergie for finding your furever homes! We want to thank those who donated for our expenses of getting these animals safe. We have another transport set up for Feb. 10 and we know more of our rescues will find fabulous homes.

January 24, 2020
Sophie's been adopted!
Congratulations to our beautiful Sophie for finding her furever home. Sophie has been fostered by McDonald Green Elementary School teacher, Kim Threatt. Sophie has been in her classroom every day teaching the kids about proper animal care, compassion for animals and nature and the importance of spaying and neutering. Kim and Sophie are wonderful teachers! Happy Life Sweet Girl. See more adoption photos here.

January 24, 2020
Foster needed!
Big Mack (now Kobe) was found all alone under an abandoned house. How did he get there? Was he dumped? Left there by his mama? We don't know. He's with LSPCA now, getting all the care and love he needs. We do need a foster for him and other pups coming in. If you can help foster one or more pets for LSPCA, please complete a foster application. Thank you!

January 23, 2020
The newest family in the puppy house enjoying their new life!
The latest LSPCA rescue family enjoying their first night in a warm place. Welcome to LSPCA Angel, Peaches and babies! If you can help us help this family, we need puppy food, toys, beds and treats for them as they get healthy and ready for adoption. See our Amazon Wishlist for needed items. Thank you!

January 22, 2020
Another Day full of Rescue
Welcome to LSPCA Grandma Peaches, Mama Angel and 5 adorable puppies.

January 19, 2020
Transport of Lancaster Shelter animals to Deleware First State SPCA
Delaware Bound!!! What a wonderful feeling to know you helped save 7 dogs and 12 cats. Rescue Teamwork at its Best!! Safe Travels to our awesome volunteers Marty and Mikala for driving these babies to their furever homes.

January 17, 2020
Grundgetta adopted!
Congratulations to our Beautiful Grundgetta for finding her furever home. She is the last of the “trash babies” and they all received the best homes. Happy Life Sweet Girl!! We Love You!!

January 16, 2020
LSPCA sponsored new dog houses, pads and kennel walls for the outdoor kennels at the shelter to protect the dogs in the outdoor runs.
We are getting ready for winter at the shelter. We may not have gotten our covered building but we are not giving up. The outdoor kennels will get new tops, replaced broken frames, kennel walls, igloo doghouse, and pads for inside. We were also able to donate several pallets of dry food. Thank you again for all who donated to our special shelter fundraiser.

January 15, 2020
Welcome to LPCA, ladies!
Freedom Ride for these 3 girls and 2 others (not pictured here) from Chester Animal Shelter!! Their new life begins now!!

January 11, 2020
Rosita adopted!
Congratulations to our Beautiful Rosita for finding her furever home today. Happy Life Sweet Girl!